Montag, 25. November 2013

heimliches Face-Lifting

Ich habe mal wieder ziemliche Schwierigkeiten mit meinem Zeitmanagement. Ich verbringe im Moment viel zu viel Zeit am Computer. Es gibt immer so viel zu tun. Ich dachte, mein Blog hätte ein kleines Face-Lifting nötig. Habt Ihr meinen neuen Header gesehen? Ich wollte meinen Seiten im Netz (also meiner Homepage, meinem Blog und meiner Facebook-Seite) schon lange ein einheitlicheres Erscheinungsbild geben. Mir gefiel das Aussehen meiner Homepage schon immer am besten und so wollte ich die anderen Seiten nun angleichen. Für meinen Blog ist es mir gut gelungen, wie ich finde.

Again, I have considerable problems with my time management. At the moment, I spend far too much time on the computer. There is always so much to do. I thought, my blog could have needed a small face-lifting. Have you seen my new header? I wanted to give my sites on the net (my website, my blog and my Facebook-page) a more uniform appearance. I liked the look of my homepage always the best and so I wanted to adjust the other pages. For my blog I have done it very well, I think.


Für meine Facebook-Seite habe ich den gleichen Header genommen, aber da bin ich mir noch nicht sicher, ob ich es mag. Es erscheint auf Facebook irgendwie viel unruhiger. Nun ja, erst einmal bleibt es jetzt aber so.

For my Facebook page, I have taken the same header, but I'm not sure, if I like it there. It appears on Facebook somehow much more busy. Well, for now, it remains like that.

Dann hatte ich noch eine Idee für meine Homepage. Ich habe dort angefangen, die Bilder in meiner Galerie mit meinem entsprechenden Blog-Eintrag zu verlinken. Das ist im nachhinein eine ziemliche Arbeit. Bisher war es so, dass man eine Vergrößerung des Gemäldes angezeigt bekommen hat, wenn man auf ein Gemälde geklickt hat. Ich dachte mir aber auf einmal, dass es doch ganz schön wäre, wenn man von dort aus direkt auf die Detailaufnahmen auf meinem Blog zugreifen könnte. Ich fand es nämlich schon immer sehr schade, dass man auf meiner Homepage nur jeweils ein Bild von jedem Gemälde sehen konnte, ich wollte es andersrum aber auch übersichtlich haben. Ich weiß gar nicht, warum ich auf diese Idee mit dem Verlinken nicht schon früher gekommen bin. Ich habe es bisher allerdings erst einmal nur für die Gemälde gemacht, die noch zu haben sind. Für die Gemälde, die schon verkauft sind, werde ich es später einmal nachholen. Ich habe jetzt erst einmal genug von der Computer-Arbeit und muß mal wieder etwas malen.
Then I had an idea for my home page. I have started there to link the images in my gallery with my corresponding blog entries. That's quite a job afterwards. Previously, it was so that you got displayed an enlargement of the painting, when you clicked on the picture. But suddenly, I thought that it would be nice, if you could access from there directly to the detail shots on my blog. I found it namely always a shame, that you could only see one picture of each painting on my home page, but on the other hand, I also wanted to keep it clear. I do not know, why I have not already thought of linking it to my blog earlier. However, I have so far only done the links for the paintings, that are still available. For the paintings, that have already been sold, I will make it somehow later. I have now had enough from the computer-work and must finally paint something again.

Oh, ich wollte auch noch kurz sagen, dass es ein paar neue Postkarten in meinen Shops gibt.

Oh, I also wanted to say, that there are a few new postcards in my shops.

Jetzt bin ich aber weg, um etwas zu malen. :)

But now I'm off, to paint something. :)

See you soon
Conni vom Atelier Tante Trulla
 Hey lovelies!  There’s lots going on in my head lately about where I want to take my little biz, and what I want to achieve, and I’m scheming ways to put those things into action!  There’s so much to do, and I struggle so much with time management.  Next on the cards though is a little upgrade to my web site, a bit of face lift.  So very shortly you’ll be seeing a few changes around here.  The main thing that will happen is there’ll be an extra page dedicated to my designs and licensing them.   My pattern design is really an area I want to focus on and develop, so there’s more of that to come!
For now though, I’ve been playing with a few blog header designs and I thought I’d ask all of you out there for
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Hey lovelies!  There’s lots going on in my head lately about where I want to take my little biz, and what I want to achieve, and I’m scheming ways to put those things into action!  There’s so much to do, and I struggle so much with time management.  Next on the cards though is a little upgrade to my web site, a bit of face lift.  So very shortly you’ll be seeing a few changes around here.  The main thing that will happen is there’ll be an extra page dedicated to my designs and licensing them.   My pattern design is really an area I want to focus on and develop, so there’s more of that to come!
For now though, I’ve been playing with a few blog header designs and I thought I’d ask all of you out there for your opinions as I just can’t seem to decide!  So here they are, which one do y
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Hey lovelies!  There’s lots going on in my head lately about where I want to take my little biz, and what I want to achieve, and I’m scheming ways to put those things into action!  There’s so much to do, and I struggle so much with time management.  Next on the cards though is a little upgrade to my web site, a bit of face lift.  So very shortly you’ll be seeing a few changes around here.  The main thing that will happen is there’ll be an extra page dedicated to my designs and licensing them.   My pattern design is really an area I want to focus on and develop, so there’s more of that to come!
For now though, I’ve been playing with a few blog header designs and I thought I’d ask all of you out there for your opinions as I just can’t seem to decide!  So here they are, which one do y
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The new look is great! Congrats! Good idea to link the paintings in your gallery back to your blogposts! But you're right: these things take a LOT of time .....
Hi Conni, I have the same problem as you with the time management. The computer takkes to many time, also for me. So I see the blogs etc. less than I wanted. But ok it is right so. I will have time to create.
Your header iz beautiful and I love your paintings. Specially the bird. I adore him/her.
lovely greet

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