She is, of course, long done. In fact, I'm even two paintings further. Sometimes, I just do not have the time to post. But here she is now. Her name is "Hope". It is a large painting, consisting of two parts. Each of the two parts is 50 x 60 cm.
Sie hat kupferfarbene Metallicfarbe in den Haaren, was ich auf den Fotos nicht so richtig gut einfangen konnte.
She has copper-colored metallic paint in her hair, what I could not capture really well in the photos.
"Hope" Mixed Media auf Sperrholz zwei Teile á 50 x 60 x 2 cm verkauft - Danke schön |
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The dress is a collagework of beautiful papers, iridescent paper, fabric and lace.
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Hier heißt er "When the world says "Give up" HOPE whispers "Try it one more time".
Usually I have to write something on my paitings. Here it says "When the world says "Give up" Hope whispers "Try it one more time".
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Sie wird ab der nächsten Woche im Garten Picker ausgestellt sein.
She will be exhibited from next week in the "garden picker".
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catmilc 56p · 674 weeks ago
ConniAltmann 67p · 674 weeks ago
Piarom 38p · 674 weeks ago
ConniAltmann 67p · 674 weeks ago