Actually, this painting is finished for some days now, but I always push it in front of me (is that english?) to take photos, because I'm never happy with them. And these long paintings are particularly difficult. But I give my best. Also, she did not reveal her name, while I was painting, but with the help of my Facebook friends she still got a nice name. So, here is my latest painting.
"Papagena" Mixed Media auf Hartfaserplatte (Acrylfarbe, Collagematerial, Stoff, goldene Glimmerschuppen, Blattgold) ca. 40 x 120 x 2,5 cm verkauft - Danke schön |
Und so fing es an.
And so it began.
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Conni vom Atelier Tante Trulla
Conni vom Atelier Tante Trulla