Since it is really cold outside in the night now I have to hurry because the tree in my front yard should get a stocking this winter. I`ve already started it sometime, but than had no more time to finish. I`ve decided to finish it this evening or perhaps tomorrow. Let`s see.
Bei der Gelegenheit könnte ich euch noch dieses Buch vorstellen.
On that occasion I could introduce you to this book.
Man braucht es sicherlich nicht, um einen Baumstrumpf zu stricken, aber es ist schön anzusehen. Ich liebe solche Bücher.
One surely does not need it to knit a sock for a tree, but it is nice to look at. I love such books.
Ich verwende für meinen Baumstrumpf übrigens nur billige, alte Wollreste, die vom Strickenüben der Kinder übrig sind.
I use for my tree stocking only cheap, old wool remains, that are left over from the knitting practice of the children.
Du hast doch bestimmt auch alte Wollreste. Mach doch auch etwas daraus. Die Abende werden jetzt wieder länger.
Surely you have some old wool remains. Do something with it. The evenings are getting longer now.
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